Sub Contractors
Sub Contractor Relations are an integral part of GJM Contracts Ltd approach to “Delivering Quality Projects, Safely and on Time. As the company’s reputation is built on the Quality of the service it offers to it’s client, we put a lot of resources into planning projects to ensure that the materials and sub-contractors used will enhance the overall quality of the job.
The company has fostered a partnering arrangement with its principal sub contractors over the past couple of years offering still further benefits to clients and project managers. Even with the current boom in the construction industry the company has an expansive array of resources at its disposal.
Our partnership arrangement with our sub contractors helps to ensure that we learn from our mistakes and that the same mistakes are not made in the future. The principal aim of our Quality Plan is to improve our ability to get more things right first time; it sets out a systematic framework whereby potential problems can be identified and thus prevented from occurring.
We get each of the sub contractors involved from the outset of a project so everybody knows what they have to do and it isn’t a case of making do with whatever is available later on in the job because a sub contractor hasn’t got the necessary resources or materials available.
As we have worked on a number of large projects recently which have been publicly funded, this means we do not always get to use our preferred sub contractors whom we have tried and tested.
However rather than just accepting the lowest tenderer for a sub contract package we actually meet with the design team to discuss the proposed nomination. We then in turn meet with the proposed sub contractor we discuss his experience, his current level of commitments and his ability to successfully complete the proposed project.
We believe as a company that by investing time in assessing sub contractors and developing sub contractor relations this will enable us to deliver a better quality project with a greater degree of cost control, in a safer environment and on time.